You can’t have auditing for the next ten years

You can’t have auditing for the next ten years

Does That Make You Mad?

Let’s play a little game, shall we?

Close your eyes. Now imagine you are three years old. Standing, sitting or on someone’s lap, I don’t mind.

Ready? Now that you are there I have something I have to tell you. Have a bit of bad news, actually. You can’t have auditing for the next ten years.

There. How’s that feel? Lousy? Depressed? Does it make you mad? Well, how do you think your kid feels? However, you’d be amazed at the amount of times I hear – “The kids are fine. They are going to school, doing their thing. Why should they go in session? Let’s wait until they are a bit older.” But if you were a kid how would you feel, watching your parents and others go in session, feeling locked away from the gains, out of the loop… ?

I hear this too: “They don’t know what they are missing.” Baloney!! I’ve worked with hundreds if not thousands of kids over the years, and you know something? Almost every toddler I’ve ever run into recognizes LRH. They generally point to his picture and say “Ron!” Don’t tell me they don’t know.

So what happens when you deny your kids auditing? Well, LRH says in Keeping Scientology Working:

“The only thing you can be upbraided for by students or pcs is ‘no results’. Trouble spots occur only where there are ‘no results’. Attacks from governments or monopolies occur only where there are ‘no results’ or ‘bad results’.

“Therefore the road before Scientology is clear and its ultimate success is assured if the technology is applied.”

So the rule is simple. Deny the kids auditing, deny the kids the tech for whatever reason and you get – trouble. And if you wait, by the time you do offer them the tech, very often they won’t want it anymore. They will say, “Nah, who cares about that stupid stuff? I never really wanted it anyways. I got more important stuff to do, like hang with my buddies playing Halo or listening to my MP3.”

I know that there is a group agreement out there that times are scary and a bit tough, belts need to be tightened, priorities rearranged. Just do me one little favor.

Don’t put your kids’ Bridge on the back burner. Don’t deny your kids the tech.

Or maybe one day you’ll wake up and your kids won’t want Scientology anymore. Whew. Isn’t that the scariest thought of all?

Sandy Mesmer
Mace-Kingsley Auditor (20+ years working with Children)
SHSBC Graduate, Golden Age of Tech Class IV
Marriage Counselor
Fully Hatted Flag® Trained EO

That Child Is Going To Hate Your Guts But Thoroughly

Ron Says…

“It would be practically impossible to commit an overt act against me. It’s not that I’m tough or I am a no-effect proposition but I merely wouldn’t consider it so! Now that’s just an attitude of mine.

“Well now, a little kid—and maybe something else—but a little kid, he’s just committed the overt act of witholding his death, see. And he went through a big pretense of dying and here he is again and so he’s all occluded. And this, itself, is a major overt act, as I told you in an earlier lecture. And, boy, is it easy to commit overt acts against children in their consideration unless you break them out of it.

“And, you can break them out of it in various ways. Not by arguing with them or something of that sort, but the basic way to do it would simply be to not go into a victim valence every time they started screaming, you know. Like, ‘Oh, what am I going to do? I don’t know. Why did I ever become a mother (or a father) da-di-da-da’ or any other version of the same tune, you see.

“That fixes it up so when he’s sixteen, fifteen, fourteen, that child is going to hate your guts but thoroughly! And they find the normal reaction in a generation so ‘normal’ (quote) (unquote) that the clinical psychologist considers it inevitable that the child in his teens will do some kind of an individuation or separateness from the family by hating everybody in the family. And this is considered to be routine. Well, it’s only routine if everybody in the family has it set up so the child has committed innumerable acts—overt acts against them. Don’t you see?”

L. Ron Hubbard

from 1st Melbourne Advanced Clinical Course lecture
“Universe of a Thetan”
24 November 1959

Every Argument You’ve Ever Gotten Into

“Well, I’ll dare say that every argument you’ve ever gotten into was because you did not handle an origin. Every time you’ve ever got into trouble with anybody, you can trace it back on the track and find out there was an origination someplace along the line that you didn’t handle.

“Person walked in and he said, ‘Whee,’ he said, ‘I’ve just passed with the highest mark in the whole school!’

“And you say, ‘You know, I’m awfully hungry. Shouldn’t we go out and eat?’

“You’ll find yourself in a fight.

“He feels ignored. He originated a communication to have you prove to him that he was there and he was solid.

“Now, most little kiddies get frantic about their parents when their parents don’t handle their originations properly, because handling an origination merely tells the person, ‘All right, I heard it. You’re there.'”

L. Ron Hubbard

Dear Alice Lecture 4 Disk 2
15 May 1957
Dummy Auditing, Step Four: Handling Originations track 4

All He Had To Do Was Go To A Movie…

Ron Says…

“Well, people pick up their valences rather easily and stack them in. Now, it wasn’t necessary for the person to have a moment of physical pain and unconsciousness, to then pick up the valence of this movie star, you see. All he had to do was go to a movie and they felt kind of sick and they were a little bit tired and they’re looking at the screen sort of fixedly or they’ve had an operation in the last few days and this becomes part of a physical pain experience, you see. They just hook it onto the end, hook it into place, move into the valence and after that go around Humphrey Bogart-ing everybody. It’s quite amazing, quite amazing.”

L. Ron Hubbard

5th London ACC
Lecture #5: Engrams
31 October 1958
track 10

Marriages Fail Only Because The Games Get Confused

Ron Says…

“A teammate is someone who assists in the overwhelming of the enemy. Aberration is mainly the overwhelming of teammates (wrong target).

“When one views life as a series of attempts to overwhelm he begins to understand it rather well. Two people may be playing many games, some between them, some with others. They are opponents in some things, teammates in others. They succeed in the ratio that they can define their games AND overwhelm the proper enemy for each game. Marriages fail only because the games get confused between husband and wife.”

L. Ron Hubbard

from Professional Auditor’s Bulletin 80
17 April 1956

Reflected On The Child’s Face

Ron Says…

“Let’s take a young kid—let’s take a three-, four-, five-year old kid: Can you possibly imagine a child of this age walking along by himself and not having people look after him? Well, that isn’t any strange and peculiar urge so much as it is people like the bright face of the world they see reflected on the child’s face. The child can see a bright world for them.

“If you yourself wish to bring to people a feeling of security in your presence and a feeling of pleasure that you are there, then you reflect the bright face of the world to them.”

L. Ron Hubbard

from 2nd American Advanced Clinical Course lecture
“Remedy of Havingness”
22 December 1953