Ron Says…
“And I’ve known kids in this society (in strange homes, it’s true) who grew up with a very great concept of their own personal worth and a feeling of great dignity. And I’ve run back—interested, very interested in this—on the time track and have found when dignity first starts to come in. And I have found dignity very much present in a two-months-old child, taking a person back down the time track.
“Somebody comes in and says, ‘Kitchy-kitchy-coo,’ and the kid says ‘Who the hell is this!’ But he can’t express it in words. So we take this child that’s normal, whose parents are worried about the child, the child gets a cold, has asthma, is sick. The parents say ‘We’ve done everything in the world that you could for this child.’ You echo to yourself, ‘And probably everything in the world that you could do to it.’ And we will carry this thing along. And what do we do with this child, you as an auditor? This child is sick.
“Well, the first thing you can try to do is to take the child by itself, no parents. Get them very definitely off the scene. You try to examine a child around his parents and you will find that he is falsely valuing everything. He is still a bit squirrelly and you find out that the bulk of children, if you talk to them on a rather dignified level, that you’ll find them talking to you on a rather dignified level. And you have entered the case right at that moment because this child is not spinning. The child is more in possession of self!
“Now, let’s just treat the child on an as adult a level as possible! Let’s not talk baby talk to it. And just talk to it on a very adult level and start giving the child Straightwire without saying this is Straightwire and without explaining what all this is about. And you’ll find out that you can go straight along with most cases and you can start blowing locks out very rapidly.”
L. Ron Hubbard
from lecture
“Child Dianetics—Part II”
8 November 1950