Where to start. I brought my son to Mace-Kingsley because we had things that were really getting in the way of our survival as a family. Through Mace-Kingsley’s program for him and the guidance for me as the parent things started to change; and it was wonderful!
My son gained the ethics data he needed to make better choices in life. He took on so much more responsibility for his dynamics. Every day I saw changes that made my son more himself.
They helped me with references that have now become new stable datums for me. This was the best thing I have ever done for my family. I am very grateful for Mace-Kingsley and all they do. And thanks to Mr. L. Ron Hubbard as well for giving us this technology.
“I felt that before, sometimes I would feel very able, even sometimes at two in the morning and I would have to accomplish everything I could before that feeling went away.
Now I feel like I can create that feeling when I want and not have to capitalize on it. This makes me more at cause than ever before. But I also realized that before I wasn’t feeling able but in reality feeling at effect because I’d just have to get ‘lucky’? to do things and now I realize that I can CREATE that and just bring myself up the emotional tone scale!”
Age 14
“Before my student started his auditing program at Mace-Kingsley if he came across anything in his studies at school that he didn’t think was easy as soon as he looked at it he would cry, ‘It’s too hard!’ and run away.
It was very hard to even get him to sit down to look at it much less let me explain how to do it. He just couldn’t confront it at all.
Now that his auditing program is finished he is willing to confront his work and doesn’t get all mis-emotional. No more hiding.
As a result he has even said, ‘That wasn’t hard’ and is moving on his program.”
I arrived at Mace-Kingsley Family Center with my two girls. One is four years old and the other is 20 months. It was just amazing how they loved it there! The space is amazing and designed just for kids which I thought was really important because they felt like they could go around and be free.
The auditing made them really happy, every day a bigger smile. Mace-Kingsley gave an amazing auditor to my girls and each had incredible ARC with my girls. They both loved it there and so did I!
See you next summer!
I wanted to tell you that everyone that has bumped into my daughter has remarked on how great it is to see her so happy. We did not get a chance to talk before we left but she thinks the world of all of you at Mace-Kingsley. I just want to say a very big THANK YOU for how cool you all are and for what you did and do and to tell you that I really want ALL my children to have you in their lives all the time!
Dear Sandy,
Once again it was great to have you at our house to work with us and the kids! Things are getting saner. The big win I had was really seeing where each child was on the tone scale. This helps me understand my kids better and makes me understand a lot of their actions. Not only do I see their strengths and weaknesses I knew better how to handle them and to help improve the situation and raise their tones.
Andy — It was great to see him put a log piece puzzle together by himself without stopping or whining for help. I’ll work on the tutor situation to help his confidence at school.
Jenna — I’m looking forward to Jenna and I starting the Girl Scouts on Friday. This will help us continue to bond and give opportunity for own time with both her and Krista.
We’ll make a point of getting more activity in with the kids and walking the dogs, too! They love swimming and so I am going to look into the indoor pools and when we could take them over the winter!
Garrett–His communication is continuing to improve all the time. He’s less whiny, easier to talk too. Seems less keyed in.
Krista–I think with the more ‘own time’ and giving more attention, using the reference about really validating her and giving her some more freedoms will make a big difference.
She does decide quicker to come up to ‘cheerful’ so she is not in her room as long. This is a win.
It’s great to see measurable progress with everyone since your last trip and even progress this past week.
We have definite action steps and tools as far as where we are heading from here which is great.
I can’t wait to see the progress over the next few months until you come back!
Thanks for everything!
We all think you’re really cool!