The Miracle of Him Walking…

The Miracle of Him Walking…

The Depth Of Change…

Just as you promised after my son’s program from Mace-Kingsley, his tone level changed completely. His decision on Sunday evening to stand up and try to walk (which he is successful in doing now) was the miracle I was hoping and asking for.

The miracle of him walking and his higher tone level are affecting things here for the better both in terms of theta and in the physical universe; he came downstairs, inspected some of his electrical collection and instructed us to get rid of several items that he no longer needed or wanted. With his newly regained physical ability and spiritual strength, I can now proceed with some very needed cycles of actions that require his participation and which had been stopped previously due to his condition. This is a major point.

On a personal level, both my husband and I are experiencing relief and a lot of gratitude toward you, and I would like to echo my husband’s last words to you. “You are amazing.”

The change and the results in our son has given my husband and me a “second wind” and has created a lot of goodwill towards our son. There is far less feeling of “effort” and the scene is generally far lighter and higher toned now.

I am struggling to find the words to describe the depth of the change and its effect on the family, but we are talking BIG here.


I was at the point of despair…

Today Was An Emotional Life Saving Day

“Today was an emotional Life Saving Day. When I came in today I was at the point of despair. I didn’t know what to do! I was very fearful of what was going on with my daughter. After sitting with Marcy and Rigo my/our lives have been put at a point of solutions.

I was given so many examples and how to Apply Tech. I really feel like I had a session because during both of my talks I hit a point where I was able to look and see where my fear came from, how I have impinged in on my daughter which has caused ARC Breaks. I have a better understanding of what is going on. My family is on the path to being restored. It’s a lot of things that need to be repaired.

Today helped me to look! The most beautiful thing is it was funny! Rigo helped to take painful moments of time and bring it out of us without experiencing Pain! My daughter is so bright, happy and willing to be helped.

I thank you Marcy, and Rigo and the Family of Mace-Kingsley. Everyone here showed so much love from the time we walked in the door. I now know what this amazing place is all about from experience. Thank you with lots of love from me! I leave with this feeling, ‘Something can be done about it!’ Mace-Kingsley helped us today to start restoring that broken piece that we did not know about.”

N. M.

Some Future Clarification!!!

Some Future Clarification!!!

I am not other people and there are other people that are not me and that can help me if I am absolutely certain of what we are going to do; then I will know how much time I have for inventing.

There are a lot of people that want inventions, so they could help me make a laboratory.

Age 7 Years Old

Purification Rundowns Wins

Since being on the Purification Rundown at Mace-Kingsley I’ve met new people and my eyesight and hearing has been improving.

12 years old

After completing the Purification Rundown at Mace-Kingsley I was able to make clear decisions. My awareness level was heightened with the physical changes in my body. I was able to recall childhood memories and things that happened in my past that I had never remembered before. After completing the first step on The Bridge I’ve found that I am on purpose. I am more enthusiastic about life, and happier than I’ve ever been before!

19 years old

I have a lot of Power…


I really, really, really loved doing the Objectives! Now that I finished, I feel like a better person than just a few days ago. I feel really awake and aware, like my eyes can see things that they couldn’t before. I also feel like I have a lot of power and that I am in charge!


Age 12

When I Was Done I Felt Great !!!

On the Purif I realized how dull I was (body-wise) and while running through it I became more and more full of energy. Everything I ran out never came back and that surely made me feel better and when I was done I felt great. I looked at the mirror and thought, ‘This is what I really look like.’ It was great!

Age 14