Higher Tone, Happier, Calmer, More Considerate…
Sandy Mesmer* recently came to our area to audit several children. She was only here for a few days but my son got quite a few sessions from her.
I have noticed that his tone level is higher, he is happier, calmer, more considerate, and more willing and able to do the things he needs to do at home and at school. He seems to be more ‘himself’.
Her hatting of us as parents was very constructive. She verified for us the rightness of the things we were doing correctly and used references to help us see where we could do a better job, using great ARC while doing so. In fact, I blew a false datum I had been given on the subject of parenting which has improved my communication with our son and he is doing much better as a result.
*Sandy Mesmer–Mace-Kingsley Child Auditor
Best Service Ever!
Hello Dear Friends,
We just spent the most theta week of our lives with Sandy Mesmer at our home!
Thanks so much to all the Mace-Kingsley team for giving us the best service ever received, with concrete and real changes and improvements in our family.
Since the first day she loved her auditor and she came happily for session. I have never seen her as happy as when she got out of session, very talkative and with a lot of energy and willing to be outside in contact with nature. I realized the sessions brought her to present time and she is more at cause. When I tell her, ‘no’ she understands and obeys and that is very valuable. She knows that this is a safe place and I feel she trusts me more. I want her to come for more sessions.” J.O. mother of a 2 yr old.
“After this auditing, I really see the difference in my daughter. She opened up much more to other people; she wants to communicate with them and laugh with them. She looks more relaxed and happy. Since she was born, she never liked other people touching her hands and feet (even mom and dad). Now when I ask her to give me her hand when we cross the street, for example, she gives her hand to me. And every night before sleep she wants me to touch her feet, which is incredible!!! Thanks to Mace-Kingsley and all it’s staff; you havehelped our family and contributed to our daughter’s freedom. Thanks especially to her auditor who is a wonderful being.” – R.H. mother of a 1 year old.
“I liked my sessions because I had “My Time”. Also I liked the process. I liked to touch the objects, feel them and see them.” – G.K. 9 yrs.
“We arrived into Clearwater (returning after many months away) and as we’re driving, my 5 year old daughter calls out from the back seat, “Momma, can I please get a session?” This was music to my ears. We walked into Mace-Kingsley Family Center and while waiting for her to get out of session, I read the Parent’s pack of references; I learned more about Ethics, Parenting and basics for truly creating a new civilization starting with my own child. This is such a theta and stabilizing experience on all flows!” D.R.