Life Repair

Life Repair

How can I best assist my child to do well, realize and achieve his dreams and have the most healthy, happiest and most prosperous life?

Is there something I can do to make sure my child really learns from his childhood experiences and scholastic education while he is growing up?

How can I help my child realize more of his true potential and avoid the serious pitfalls of living in a very out-ethics culture?

The answer is: Child Processing! (Life Repair auditing)

Achieve sanity and alertness never before attained

“It brings the child under his own discipline and makes him capable of being what he wants to be, not what he is forced to be.”

“At the same time it renders him less reactive towards educational measures which are provided for his future security.”

“Acceptance will be found to replace resentment of education.”

“Child Scientology could very well be…the most important field of endeavor in the Science.”

“Thus, by processing children…we would achieve a sanity and alertness never before attained…”

“The time to salvage a human being and get him out of the past into present time is when that human being is a child…”

“Scientology increases the beingness… of the child in present time in order to secure the capabilities of the child in the future.”

– LRH (Child Scientology – Issue 14-G, April 1953)

This is the way to guarantee your children grow up destimulated, keyed-out and with a minimum of difficulty.

Child Processing – a multitude of processes that can completely repair his life, (often referred to as Life Repair) restore his beingness and ability and bring about an awareness of truth and the way to personal freedom through Scientology.