Ron Says…
“And you get a child who has been going along the line of shifting from one thing to the next, and you will find in each case that he has been interfered with as to his independence of action. And you as an auditor want to make sure that Johnny has reserved to him alone and exclusively, at least one sphere of action in which he is completely independent! And one which particularly includes physical skill so that the mental end of the thing is showing up. That’s very important; it wouldn’t seem to be very important at first look at it but he’s got to have someplace where he has an independent sphere and in which he himself can do some shining.
“Because as he shines, his own idea of his own importance and so forth will increase, he will be able to pull in attention units out of this wide periphery of the unknown and concentrate them on an object, so will diminish some of his fears and in this wise you can probably bring, one way or the other, Johnny into a state of sanity which he might not have very fully enjoyed before.”
L. Ron Hubbard
from lecture
“Child Dianetics—Part II”
8 Nov 1950