Selfish determination is the aberrated

Selfish determination is the aberrated

Ron Says…

“You should seek to increase your child’s self-determinism, his reliance on his analyzer, and help him to be independent of you and of his reactive mind.

“There is a difference between self-determinism and selfish determination. A self-determined person is one who acts after analytical computation, taking into consideration all data available as to the effect of the proposed action on himself and on other people! Selfish determination is the aberrated evaluation of data as they affect only one’s self.”

L. Ron Hubbard

from the book
Child Dianetics
Chapter 11, “Discipline”

There is no such thing as being overeducated

Ron Says…

“Environment is another grossly overlooked factor in contemporary education, since environment is the one thing which can give data a proper weight. Many a navigator can sail the devil out of a ship in a classroom and get lost trying to find the end of a pier. Education which is done against strictly academic background is stultifying* and most of its importance is lost because it has not exercised the analyzer in weighting and deriving. A classroom is no proper place to learn to run a steam locomotive….

“A man can be given rudimentary instruction in reading, writing, history, literature, music, manners and mathematics. Anyone keeping him in school, as just school, after he learns these is wasting his manhood. A man should be in the environment of his chosen profession from the age of at least fifteen. He should be educated after that in short spurts in school as he desires to know more. And he should be educated by professionals in his own business. If this happened to more men and women there would be many more engineers to whom one could say with confidence, ‘Build me a bridge,’ or housewives about whom one could say, ‘She’s a swell cook and her man’s happy. And you ought to see her kids.’ ”

“There is no such thing as being overeducated. There is such a thing as being badly educated. The length of time in a school is no criteria of either one.”

L. Ron Hubbard

from lecture
“Educational Dianetics”
29 August 1950

Requires more technically perfect auditing

Ron Says…

“But whatever the benefits and reasons of child processing, however much it may do to smooth out a home and improve the future, the fact remains that it is a highly technical subject. The processing of children requires more technically perfect auditing and more properly applied sessions and processes than the average adult.

“To achieve the greatest benefit for children, one should first achieve the greatest possible command of auditing skill and Scientology theory and practice. Because a child is helplessly unable to express his ARC breaks violently enough to be listened to is no reason he should be given them.

“Child processing demands more perfect auditing than adult processing and therefore requires a better trained auditor than the average. If you would process children, be a professional auditor first even if the children are your own. You will find that it will pay.”

L. Ron Hubbard

Ability® magazine, Issue 110

Whether one is teaching a child to eat with a fork or training him in calculus

Ron Says…

“Whether one is teaching a child to eat with a fork or training him in calculus, the principles are the same. There must be a good reason, first, before the child will use the fork and he must understand that reason. There must be an equally good reason and use for calculus, as calculus, not a grade or degree, before he can be expected to derive much from it.”

L. Ron Hubbard

from lecture
“Educational Dianetics”
29 August 1950

Children don’t get spoiled with affection

Ron Says…

“ You ever hear of a child being spoiled? Well, children don’t get spoiled with affection or by being given things. You can give the kid Ford cars to hammer and break the windshields on or do anything you want to with this kid. You can give him anything, but don’t interrupt him. He hasn’t any big vengeance against the world and you haven’t built him up with a lot of force, you can give him practically anything and he’ll handle it all right. He won’t break it up except by accident and his own clumsiness, but it’ll be actual clumsiness, inability to handle himself.

“Give him the car now and let’s say, ‘Now, of course, you can go everyplace but down to your clubhouse and to school in this car. And I think you better have it oiled and greased every Monday. And I’m giving you this car only on the conditions that…’ A person’s independence is wrecked about this car. So, taking the supercontrol over the child, the child will come back this way: that car will wind up against a lamppost. That’s right, that’s where your destruction angles come in on these things. ”

L. Ron Hubbard

from Dianetics Professional Course Lectures lecture
“The Anatomy of Circuitry”
25 November 1950

You take a child that is being badly abused

Ron Says…

“Now, the environmental case can go so far—for instance, you take a child that is being badly abused. And you’re trying to work this child and the child goes into another environment every night or goes to a school which is highly antagonistic to him. And his case seems to be—it’s like a frog that’s climbing out of well: climbs four inches by day and falls back five inches at night. It will seem that way to you. Try and do something to keep the child from being badly restimulated all the time. Try to talk it over with the parents if you’re working and you’ll have better luck.

“But the environmental problem is a very serious one because you as an auditor can’t regulate your preclear’s environment. But sometimes it is necessary to take the child out of the environment or take the preclear out of the environment. This is particularly true of children. That’s why I keep saying child; usually adults can stand up to it. Children don’t have quite that much luck.”

L. Ron Hubbard

from Dianetics: Lectures and Demonstrations lecture
“How to Resolve Stalled Cases”
28 September 1950