You can’t have auditing for the next ten years

You can’t have auditing for the next ten years

Does That Make You Mad?

Let’s play a little game, shall we?

Close your eyes. Now imagine you are three years old. Standing, sitting or on someone’s lap, I don’t mind.

Ready? Now that you are there I have something I have to tell you. Have a bit of bad news, actually. You can’t have auditing for the next ten years.

There. How’s that feel? Lousy? Depressed? Does it make you mad? Well, how do you think your kid feels? However, you’d be amazed at the amount of times I hear – “The kids are fine. They are going to school, doing their thing. Why should they go in session? Let’s wait until they are a bit older.” But if you were a kid how would you feel, watching your parents and others go in session, feeling locked away from the gains, out of the loop… ?

I hear this too: “They don’t know what they are missing.” Baloney!! I’ve worked with hundreds if not thousands of kids over the years, and you know something? Almost every toddler I’ve ever run into recognizes LRH. They generally point to his picture and say “Ron!” Don’t tell me they don’t know.

So what happens when you deny your kids auditing? Well, LRH says in Keeping Scientology Working:

“The only thing you can be upbraided for by students or pcs is ‘no results’. Trouble spots occur only where there are ‘no results’. Attacks from governments or monopolies occur only where there are ‘no results’ or ‘bad results’.

“Therefore the road before Scientology is clear and its ultimate success is assured if the technology is applied.”

So the rule is simple. Deny the kids auditing, deny the kids the tech for whatever reason and you get – trouble. And if you wait, by the time you do offer them the tech, very often they won’t want it anymore. They will say, “Nah, who cares about that stupid stuff? I never really wanted it anyways. I got more important stuff to do, like hang with my buddies playing Halo or listening to my MP3.”

I know that there is a group agreement out there that times are scary and a bit tough, belts need to be tightened, priorities rearranged. Just do me one little favor.

Don’t put your kids’ Bridge on the back burner. Don’t deny your kids the tech.

Or maybe one day you’ll wake up and your kids won’t want Scientology anymore. Whew. Isn’t that the scariest thought of all?

Sandy Mesmer
Mace-Kingsley Auditor (20+ years working with Children)
SHSBC Graduate, Golden Age of Tech Class IV
Marriage Counselor
Fully Hatted Flag® Trained EO

On The Streets of New York City

We were enjoying a brisk midnight walk to our hotel in Manhattan after a full day of working as Volunteer Ministers after September 11. It was about 1 A.M. and Jim was telling me some amusing story. He liked to extrovert me from the work I had been doing all during the day. But just then I saw a gang of young men shouting and being very agitated over another young man who was collapsed on the sidewalk. I couldn’t tell if the shouting young men were the cause of the collapse or if they were trying revive the fellow. But it was obvious some mayhem was happening and help was needed.

“Hey, what’s happening?” I said as I approached the loud group.

“It’s Ernie. He is overdosed,” I was able to discern from the confusion. They were yelling at him, “Wake up! You shouldn’t have taken that *#!@^ stuff! I told you it would kill you!”

Two young men grabbed Ernie pulling his limp body up, one on each side while Ernie’s drooping head showed no sign of response.

I tried to quiet the group while taking Ernie’s dangling hand and proceeded to do a Dianetic Assist. This really got the group’s attention. Now I was asking Ernie to squeeze my hand and that was something they all could agree with! It didn’t exactly get quiet but at least we were all now moving in the same direction, including Ernie! He squeezed my hand.

After a few minutes of running the Assist, Ernie slowly started to raise his head. His eyes were slits of redness with a dim light of awareness starting to surface. His mouth was moving but words could not be made out through the drool and slurred speech. But he definitely had our attention. Ernie was going to speak after returning from the “dead”.

It now was “deathly” quiet. We wanted to know what Ernie was going to say.

He took a deep breath and with just enough drama to hold our attention for a few more moments he mumbled out…”Burger King.”

I think I saw a slight curl of a smile when he said it. He was back among his friends and had the munchies. We all laughed with relief. They went off their way and I continued to my hotel with my friends.

A few nights later I was again walking that brisk midnight walk to my hotel. Off in the shadows leaning against the tall building was another young man whom I would typify as a gang member. As I approached he came out of the shadows a bit. In a not unfriendly manner he said, “Hey.”

I responded with a similar, “Hey”.

“You a Scientologist?” He wanted to know.

“Yeah,” I answered.

“Alright!” He smiled as he gave me two thumbs up!

I thanked him and wished him a good night.

I hope you smiled from this story. It was such a pleasure to give these young people a “miracle”.

These simple Dianetic Assist procedures can be easily learned by getting the Assist Booklet. Call Mace-Kingsley Family Center at 800-822-7409 for your copy.



Let’s play a little game, shall we?

Close your eyes. Now imagine you are three years old. Standing, sitting or on someone’s lap, I don’t mind.

Ready? Now that you are there I have something I have to tell you. Have a bit of bad news, actually. You can’t have auditing for the next ten years.

There. How’s that feel? Lousy? Depressed? Does it make you mad? Well, how do you think your kid feels? However, you’d be amazed at the amount of times I hear – “The kids are fine. They are going to school, doing their thing. Why should they go in session? Let’s wait until they are a bit older.”  But if you were a kid how would you feel, watching your parents and others go in session, feeling locked away from the gains, out of the loop…
I hear this too: “They don’t know what they are missing.” Baloney!! I’ve worked with hundreds if not thousands of kids over the years, and you know something? Almost every toddler I’ve ever run into recognizes LRH. They generally point to his picture and say “Ron!” Don’t tell me they don’t know.

So what happens when you deny your kids auditing? Well, LRH says in Keeping Scientology Working:

“The only thing you can be upbraided for by students or pcs is ‘no results’. Trouble spots occur only where there are ‘no results’. Attacks from governments or monopolies occur only where there are ‘no results’ or ‘bad results’. “Therefore the road before Scientology is clear and its ultimate success is assured if the technology is applied.”

So the rule is simple. Deny the kids auditing, deny the kids the tech for whatever reason and you get – trouble. And if you wait, by the time you do offer them the tech, very often they won’t want it anymore. They will say, “Nah, who cares about that stupid stuff? I never really wanted it anyways. I got more important stuff to do, like hang with my buddies  playing Halo or listening to my MP3.”

I know that there is a group agreement out there that times are scary and a bit tough, belts need to be tightened, priorities rearranged. Just do me one little favor.

Don’t put your kids’ Bridge on the back burner. Don’t deny your kids the tech.

Or maybe one day you’ll wake up and your kids won’t want Scientology anymore. Whew. Isn’t that the scariest thought of all?

Sandy Mesmer

Unconditional Love

My dad was lingering in the final days of his life. He was a fighter but the cancer was extensive. During one of our last bedside chats he was proclaiming his love for our family. He was proud of my brothers; he was proud of me; he was still in love with my mom even after some 65 years. He told me we had a good family.

He was full of love.

I was full of love for him. He was also my pc.

For the last several years of his life I audited my dad. Even after years of being a professional auditor and many special moments in the auditing chair with many different pcs, nothing was quite as special as helping my dad to be more free.

I see parents every day having that experience when they bring their child for a session at Mace Kingsley Family Center. Sometimes they are motivated by needing to handle a situation in the family, but the intention to see their child being more free is the root of that care. They care enough to give their child what will make a true difference in the child’s life… his personal freedom.


During this busy time of the year, take the time to hug and love your family. Tell them how special they are to you. Talk about the common goals of survival you share as a family. Look at how you can help each other to become more free.

Carol Kingsley

The Boogey Man

“Ever since that raccoon fell through my bathroom ceiling I have been a little hesitant to walk into that space. I don’t know if you have ever had a raccoon ‘drop in’ but it is an experience one doesn’t soon forget! She had been nesting in the attic and fell through the ceiling near my bath tub. I sang to her hoping to relax her since she was probably more traumatized than I was.

“It sort of reminded me of the boogey-man who used to live under my bed at night when I was a child. I was sure he would get me if an arm or leg escaped from under the sheet. Growing up in New Mexico it was warm at night, but no matter how hot it was, being under that sheet would protect me!

“I never actually saw the boogey-man but my older brother convinced me that the boogey- man did, in fact, live under my bed. That was my reality.

“For a child reality is an elusive thing. It can be one way now and tomorrow look entirely different. It is a wonderful thing for a child when each day is a brand new world! One of the most rewarding actions a parent can do with their child is to spend time with their child being interested in what is real to the child. Entering a child’s reality can be quite therapeutic for the parent also!

“Frequently the communication between the child and the adults around him has a considerable lack of reality. Parents want to be in communication with their child and the child is desperate to be in communication with their parents. They love each other dearly. The missing ingredient is reality. By spending time with the child, doing things the child is interested in and by the parent really getting interested in what the child has an interest in, a new shared reality will open the door for the child and parent to love and be in communication at a whole new level. And this will work for people of any age and in any relationship.

“I can tell you it really worked for me the day my mom and I were cleaning under my bed and she helped me to look for any traces of the boogey-man. We couldn’t find him anywhere. She said he probably moved out, maybe under my brother’s bed. Fine with me! I loved her so much for helping me to look for the boogey-man! We could talk about anything after that.

“Much more can be learned about how to improve relationships in the book A NEW SLANT ON LIFE by L. Ron Hubbard. He says it plain and simple. And it WORKS!

“Thanks for sharing my reality!”

Carol Kingsley

A Two-Wheeled Tricycle

I was about 5 years old when the wheel came off my favorite tricycle. I tried to stick it back on but it kept coming off. So the obvious thing to do from my viewpoint was to learn to ride the tricycle with two wheels instead of three. And that became an awesome adventure. I could do ‘spins’ by going down the driveway real fast and then slamming down on the axle of the missing wheel and just whirl. It was a blast!

Speed, motion, lots of action! That was what I lived for as a child. Golly, it was fun.

My parents never taught me to be afraid. They never taught me that I couldn’t do things; well, at least I never learned that I couldn’t do things. I always thought I could do anything if I really wanted to, like riding a two-wheeled tricycle.

But there was this old lady a few houses down who didn’t like all this motion coming from me and my friends on the block. She would get ‘nervous’ and ‘worried that we were going to get hurt’. She would come out and yell at us and run us off her yard. (She lived on the corner and had great trees to climb.)

All this motion and action (and maybe loud peals of laughter) were too much for her. She wanted us to be quiet and motionless. Still. The perfect child; seen and not heard.

What a sad person she was. She wanted to stop things in her own life and it spilled over to trying to stop others in her environment. But as kids, we just moved on down to the other end of the block and continued to have outrageous fun.

What a joy it is to see a child who has the self-confidence to control his own environment. A child who is bright, in communication, wants to contribute and works toward the greatest good for all concerned. This is possible.

And what a treasure it is to find a parent who can tolerate the calamities of a child learning how to be self-confident and in control. A good-hearted, loving parent who has the patience of a saint to help the child regain possession of his own universe is the pillar of our future generation.

I have learned a lot about how to help children and parents achieve this goal from a book called NEW SLANT ON LIFE by L. Ron Hubbard. If you are interested in helping your child, grandchild, or neighbor’s child be happier, get a copy and read it.

You will smile too.