The time to salvage a human being…

The time to salvage a human being…

Ron Says…

“The process of mock-ups is peculiarly apt for children, for in the main they possess brilliant ability. An adult preclear is filled with envy at the ability of a child to obtain mock-ups and control them. The time to salvage a human being and get him out of the past into present time is when that human being is a child, for he thus benefits from his environment and all his education within it. Out of present time, the data and experience is going nobody knows where.”

L. Ron Hubbard

The Journal of Scientology, Issue 14-G
April 1953

Mace-Kingsley UPDATE/Europe tour

Salve a tutti,
volevo aggiornarvi su alcune cose qui all’MK. Prima di tutto, l’uragano Irma non ha fatto alcun danno reale qui da noi. Abbiamo avuto un sacco di rami spezzati e la corrente è mancata per un paio di giorni, e lo stesso è stato per un sacco di gente qui a Clearwater, ma ora siamo di nuovo attivi e funzionanti in questo.
E una grande parte di essere attivi e funzionanti sono i Tour esterni. Mace-Kingsley sarà di nuovo in Europa il mese prossimo. Preparatevi per il ritorno di Sandy Mesmer. Sandy sarà presto di nuovo in Svizzera, Germania e Inghilterra. Se volete che il vostro bambino vada in session con Sandy per favore fatemelo sapere, non appena possibile perché gli spazi nella sua agenda sono limitati. Lei ha ancora disponibilità per un paio di PC il mese prossimo a Wiesbaden, Ginevra e Losanna.
per quanto riguarda le altre notizie:
La nostra Kate Sweet è stata nominata Auditor del Campo dell’Anno all’evento del Giorno dell’Auditor. Woo Hoo!
Marcy Sargeant, la nostra ED, ha fatto un altro seminario su Scientology per bambini. Questa volta nell’Org di Columbus in Ohio e presto ne farà un altro nell’Org ideale di Buffalo. Le è anche stato chiesto di andare in Sud Africa per aiutare ad attivare il campo facendo quello che ha fatto a Budapest un paio di mesi fa: dei grandi seminari su Scientology per bambini.
Cosa??? Mace-Kingsley in Sud Africa!? Sì, sembra che stia per succedere. Se avete amici o familiari laggiù fate loro sapere che MK sta arrivando e che si preparino ad aiutarci a spargere la voce. Faremo la nostra parte per aiutare le Org Ideali anche lì.
A parte questo, abbiamo persone prenotate per venire qui a Clearwater per essere addestrati come specialisti dell’Auditing per bambini. Abbiamo auditor provenienti da Ungheria, Svizzera, Inghilterra, Italia, Danimarca e, inoltre, proprio qui dagli Stati Uniti. Scientology per bambini sta per venire fuori da Non Esistenza, perciò chiunque conosciate che audisce e che potrebbe voler imparare come occuparsi di bambini per audirli dovrebbe essere indirizzato da noi. Fatemi sapere chi sono!
Per concludere, vorrei dire che mi è stato chiesto di recente se ci occupiamo solo di bambini. Quindi nel caso in cui aveste la stessa domanda, la risposta è NO. Siamo un gruppo del campo che porta le persone su per la strada fino a Clear. Abbiamo auditor altamente addestrati e possono fare qualsiasi azione necessaria fino a Clear. Abbiamo più di un auditor di Classe VI, compreso il nostro Consulente per genitori, Rigo, così anche se sei in una zona lontana da un’Org possiamo aiutarvi ad andare sul Ponte. Possiamo far sì che tutt i in famiglia avanzino sui loro programmi, semplicemente fatemi sapere di cosa avete bisogno.
Rob Lugo

Ricevi storie di successo e consigli sui bambini tratti dalla Tecnologia di LRH via e-mail!

That isn’t what makes them unhealthy

Ron Says…

“Well, in view of the fact that everybody in this society has agreed wholeheartedly that it’s care of the body, care of the body, care of the body—and just for variation, care of the body, care of the body, care of the body. If you were to take a little kid and let him eat when he wanted to eat and sleep when he wanted to sleep and let him stuff all the candy he wanted to stuff down his gullet and go and come and act and not sleep and come in with wet feet and go out with wet feet and roll in the snow, boy, he’d probably be as healthy as they come. That isn’t what makes them unhealthy. It’s ‘Now, Johnny, take care of yourself. You will catch cold.’ Continual running fire of ‘You’re weak, you’re weak, you’re weak, you’re weak, you’re weak. You can get sick, surrounded by danger, don’t have any self-confidence, don’t have any self-conf—-, you can’t control that body, I have to control it here.’

“Maybe to some that doesn’t sound too familiar as the modus operandi. But Johnny is a lot safer being permitted to walk the high-tension power line in his bare feet than he is being coddled about wearing his rubbers and carrying his umbrella to school. If he carries an umbrella to school, he’ll probably get half-killed by the kids down the block!”

L. Ron Hubbard

from The Philadelphia Doctorate Course lecture
“Goal: Rehabilitation of Thetan, Case Step 1”
13 December 1952

What is child processing?

Ron Says…

“Then what is child processing? It is not the processing of psychotics, because these children are exhausted sane people. They’re kind of shook-up sane people, you got the idea? They’re not batty. They’ve got a future. But, they are certainly not the kind of preclear that you would handle carelessly. And the first thing that a child requires, as a preclear, is good, formal auditing. And the one thing he ordinarily gets is careless, patch-up auditing. And if you had just lost all of your possessions in the last couple of years and an auditor came along to do something for you, you certainly would not appreciate an assist which didn’t start with any kind of rudiments, no formality of the session, ended when the process wasn’t flat. You got the idea? You just wouldn’t appreciate that, would you? Well, this speaks well for Scientology that it’s functional in this area.

“Children are people! They have been through some very rough experiences; they are not in very good shape; their possessions are very small. Their dependence is tremendous. That they pick up some engrams and locks in childhood is almost beside the point; it’s of no consequence. It’s just, bluntly of no consequence that childhood is aberrative to some extent, because all of these aberrative locks of childhood sit on heavier engrams of great duress earlier on the track. Don’t you see?”

L. Ron Hubbard

from Freedom Congress lecture
“Child Scientology”
7 July 1957

Mace-Kingsley UPDATE/Europe tour

Hello All,

I wanted to update you on things here at MK. First of all, hurricane Irma did not do any real damage here. We had a lot of broken branches and the power was out for a few days as it was for a lot of people here in Clearwater but we are back up and running now.

And a big part of being up and running is external tours. Mace-Kingsley will be back in Europe next month. Get ready for the return of Sandy Mesmer. Sandy will be back in Switzerland, Germany and England soon. Should you want to get your child in session with Sandy please let me know as soon as you can because slots are limited. She does have availability to add a couple of PCs next month in Wiesbaden, Geneva and Lausanne.

As for other news:

Our very own Kate Sweet received Field Auditor of the Year at the Auditor’s Day event. Woo Hoo!

Marcy Sargeant, our ED, did another seminar on Child Scientology. This time up in the Columbus Org in Ohio and will be doing another in the Buffalo Ideal Org soon. She has also been asked to go to South Africa to help activate the field there by doing what she did in Budapest a couple of months ago-Big seminars on Child Scientology.

What??? Mace-Kingsley in South Africa!? Yep, looks like that’s going to happen. If you have friends or family down there let them know MK is coming and get ready to help us get the word out. We will be doing our part to help the Ideal Orgs there.

Aside from that, we do have people lined up to come here to Clearwater to get hatted as Child Auditing Specialists. We have auditors coming from Hungary, Switzerland, England, Italy, Denmark and also right here in the US. Child Scientology is going to come out of non-e so anyone you know that audits and may want to get hatted on handling kids should be pointed our way. Let me know who they are!

In closing I would like to say that I have been asked recently if we only handle children. So just in case you had the same question, the answer is NO. We are a field group that takes people all the way up to Clear. We have very highly trained auditors and can do anything that is needed up to Clear. We have more than one Class VI -including our Parent Consultant, Rigo, so even if you are in an area far from an Org we can help you get up the Bridge. We can have the entire family moving on their programs, just let me know what you need.


Rob Lugo