Ron Says…
“But start looking over the semantics. Find out when he first had defined for him the word so-and-so. When did he first have defined for him the word so-and-so? What does this word mean? What does that word mean? Put him through—general semantics people would love this, but it’s very efficacious—put him through a little quiz, not formal, but a very informal quiz.
“You’ll discover that where he has improper definition, he—very far from always, but commonly—has emotional stress. There is emotion, emotional upset or disturbance in the area where that word was poorly defined. And although the word was defined improperly at the—when the child was two, and defined properly for him at the age of five, he will compute basically upon the definition he received at two.”
L. Ron Hubbard
from lecture
“Processing Children”
15 July 1950