Success Stories

I now duplicate totally my son’s universe

Auditing Services, Parent Hatting,

Mom’s Parent Hatting & Child’s Auditing

Since my son has been receiving auditing at Mace-Kingsley, my life as a mother really changed. My son is much more calm and mature than before.

The tailor-made hatting given to me by his auditor was essential and complemented the auditing. I now duplicate totally my son’s universe, and this keys-out both of us.

For years I have been reading Ron’s data and searching for answers to my ruin and still some puzzle’s pieces were missing. Mace-Kingsley gave us these pieces and that changed everything.

And now, situations that were making me fall down directly into apathy are not impeding me. I can totally have them and my son gets the direct benefit of this.

Just a few minutes ago, he said me “I’m going to help you be happy”. It would take me hours to describe how far from this point we were before Mace-Kingsley helped us.

Thanks to all at Mace-Kingsley’s team.


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Then Yesterday, BOOM, It Totally Disappeared!

Auditing Services

Nothing pains you more than seeing your child suffer.

My 7-year-old son had been coughing and sniffling for weeks and was pulling out his hair. I was beside myself with helping him any further. Working for a man whom I consider to be the best doctor in the world, I figured I had all the data…giving him the proper supplements, allergy treatments, fresh fruits and vegetables and our fantastic homeopathic cough syrup. The more he coughed, the more I cringed and admonished myself.

Then yesterday, BOOM, it totally disappeared! His cough, sniffles and hair pulling totally stopped!!! He was hugging me and being very loving and I was in disbelief.


DUH, you might say! Isn’t that obvious? But sometimes it just isn’t the easiest thing to do and one goes on trying everything else.


Parents, even if you think your kids might be TOO young, give them the opportunity of being the BIG thetans that they are! Call Mace-Kingsley and let them give your child a complimentary session……

You will NEVER look back!

Thank you so much, Mace-Kingsley!

A Happy Mom

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My son has changed dramatically

Auditing Services, Personal Consulting,

I want to let you know that everything is going really well. My son has changed dramatically since a Mace-Kingsley auditor came to visit and it is all for the better. We really wanted to concentrate on two things when the auditor came which was his overall happiness and the ability to communicate easily so he could meet friends. I believe both have been achieved above and beyond our expectations.

Our son now has a better communication line with my husband and I, and also for the first time he went out socially after school with a group of friends from his class. It looks like his difficulties in meeting new people is beginning to turn around. Overall he is much happier within himself. We really couldn’t thank Mace-Kingsley enough for her amazing advice on using the exact correct technology of L. Ron Hubbard. We will definitely be scheduling time with her again the next time she is in town.

L. D.

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My most sullen antagonistic one laughing the loudest

Auditing Services, Personal Consulting,

I Couldn’t Be Happier With The Results

How often as a parent do you have experiences such as these:

Five kids in the car laughing and chattering. My most sullen antagonistic one laughing the loudest and creating the jokes.

My most “problematic” student, my son doing his homework without being told and putting together and using tools (on his own) – such as looking up the word in a dictionary!

This is a major result of getting services at Mace-Kingsley. Every one of my kids have been getting auditing and my oldest voiced today that one of the wins this trip to Florida (at the top of her list) was getting auditing. (This after avoiding receiving any auditing for two years).

Each and every one has shown marked improvement. No one knows kids better than Mace-Kingsley and I couldn’t be happier with the results.


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Now I know auditing can handle ANYTHING!

Auditing Services

I am enjoying my life repair so much! It’s really special to me that I get to do this!

Surprisingly life during this school year has cleared up for me since the beginning of my life repair. Why this is surprising to me is because I haven’t really been trying to handle a lot of things at school while doing sessions. Mostly home stuff. But school has actually cleared up for me.

So thank you Mace-Kingsley, because now I know auditing can handle ANYTHING!

Age 11

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Oh My, What A Relief!!

Auditing Services, Personal Consulting,

We’ve been observing another stable change in “F” that I thought I’d pass on to you. Also I wanted to say again that I’m just amazed at how much stable change you were able to create in such a short time. The trip you made here was just golden. This is my ideal scene for my child. She already knew she really wanted The Bridge. Now she’s getting for herself the concept that Scientology really works.

She’s had an odd valence ever since she was very young. She’d talk in baby talk, act like a 2 year old, say goofy things. I would see other children get a funny look on their faces and then walk away from her, or shun her in later contacts. She always felt the rejection but couldn’t tell why. I tried telling her a couple of times but she didn’t seem to be able to get control of it. And she’d get worse when she felt the ARC withdrawn.

Last year she made a best friend at school, a very kind and smart girl. However this girl did the same thing!

After auditing with you that valence disappeared. Oh my, what a relief to get to talk to “F” all the time and not have to see her through that valence.

And now she’s struggling with how to get her friend to stop because it’s so irritating, plus it’s difficult to get a comm line in through that valence. We had a conversation the other day about how she has the benefit of auditing but her friend does not. She really got for herself that the auditing allowed her to make a change for the better that she couldn’t make before.

So David-I wanted to thank you for all you do to make this possible in the field, and specifically possible for us. And Sandy-you are gold.

Love always,

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