“The most miraculous things have happened with my daughter since starting her auditing at Mace-Kingsley. She was born with a rare eye disease and began seeing eye specialists at 2 months old. We were told that she was around legally blind and would likely lose vision.
“Before starting her auditing, she was obviously visually impaired quite a bit; she would not hold eye contact or track an object with her eyes. We were seeing retina specialists, pediatric ophthalmologists, neurologists and physical therapists regularly. She started her auditing and the most amazing things began to happen. She was suddenly so in communication! She started looking at people and objects! She became more independent and more out going.
“She now no longer has to see doctors all the time. Her retina specialist said that her eyes are repairing themselves and we now only see him once every 2 months (whereas before it was every 2 weeks). She now longer attends physical therapy as she met all of her Physical Therapy goals way ahead off schedule!
“She really seems to have taken more responsibility and become more aware. I’m so proud of her! And she can definitely see very well now! I know that making the decision to get her auditing here was the right thing. I know its going to have a huge impact on the rest of her life.
“Thanks to the awesome staff at Mace-Kingsley and to her auditor Diane! And of course thanks to LRH for this amazing technology. Words can’t really express my gratitude.” C.N. Parent of a 12 month old.