Method One Word Clearing
When properly done and completed, the result of Method One Word Clearing is RECOVERY OF ONE’S EDUCATION.
“That factor in itself can mean a tremendous gain for the person. The added dividend is that, with misunderstoods in earlier subjects now cleaned up, the way is clear for the student to get the most out of his current training course or activity. He can now study and grasp the materials of any subject more easily, as he will no longer be bogged down by and stumbling over the earlier misunderstoods.”
— L. Ron Hubbard
Word Clearing Series 34
“Simply stated, Method One Word Clearing picks up the places where a person is stuck on his time track due to misunderstoods.
“When the procedure is run on a person, it pulls him up from other times and places and brings him forward.”
— L. Ron Hubbard
Word Clearing Series 8RC

“The primary means of relay of ideas from one person to another in any developed culture is words.When words a person reads, hears or sees are misunderstood, his understanding or comprehension can be thoroughly blocked. Serious consequences can result from these misunderstoods, not the least of which are ignorance and illiteracy.
“Method One Word Clearing is the audited action of locating and clearing out of the way the basic word and meaning errors of the past. The value of doing this can be appreciated when one realizes that with Method One Word Clearing whole subjects and even entire educations that were not understood at the time can be recovered. It is a vital action for any student or preclear.”
—L. Ron Hubbard
Word Clearing Series 8RC