Become upset occasionally with your father
Ron Says…
“You could cause automobile accidents by training children into (quote) “safety” (unquote). You would eventually raise a whole generation that would do nothing but go out and have accidents. You see this? You gave them no familiarity with accidents and you told them they should flinch from accidents.
“So you could say all flinchingness and all reactivity is the result of erroneous training which forbids observation. You see where we got here? Now, this is no condemnation of the American university. It’s no condemnation, at all, of training in any particular field. But it does show you that training could have two sides – there could be two sides to this coin called training.
“You could train toward observation or train away from observation. It isn’t training that is at fault. It is a type of training that is at fault. The reason you become upset occasionally with your father and your mother and the way they handled you is because they gave you so much training away from observation. When you protect people from observing directly, you debar them from as-ising.”
L. Ron Hubbard
from 19th American Advanced Clinical Course lecture
03 Feb 1958
Since my son has been receiving auditing at Mace Kingsley, my life as a mother really changed. My son is much more calm and mature than before. The tailor-made hatting given to me by Sandy was essential and complemented the auditing. I now duplicate totally my son's universe, and this keys-out both of us.
Since my kids have been receiving auditing this trip I saw them light up! The first day they came back so talkative, so full of energy! I saw them happier and way more affectionate towards my husband and me, telling us how much they love us and giving us hugs and kisses!
Both my husband and I have been amazed at how much more in communication our daughter is with us now! After her Purification Rundown she was so much calmer and easier to be around and has much less drama.
I have noticed that his tone level is higher, he is happier, calmer, more considerate, and more willing and able to do the things he needs to do at home and at school. He seems to be more 'himself'.
Since the first day she loved her auditor and she came happily for session. I have never seen her as happy as when she got out of session, very talkative and with a lot of energy and willing to be outside in contact with nature. I realized the sessions brought her to present time and she is more at cause.